Hello! My name is Katie Hansen, and I am currently a second year teacher candidate in the UNBC Bachelor of Education program – secondary stream. I was born and raised in a small town in Northern British Columbia, and have been attending the University of Northern British Columbia, in Prince George, B.C., for the last six years. Since high school, it has been my goal to become a teacher. In 2015 I began my Bachelor of Arts degree with an English major and History minor, and was excited for the opportunity to start training to become a teacher when I was accepted into the B.Ed program for the Fall 2019 semester.
Starting this program has given me the chance to work with so many wonderful individuals, and create valuable connections with future educators and professions in the field. I am very proud to be a part of such a fun and supportive learning community. I have also been able to reflect on my experiences, and see many changes in myself as I grow personally and professionally.
I am excited for you to follow me on my journey as a pre-service educator.