Educators act ethically and maintain the integrity, credibility and reputation of the profession.

I believe that an educators role in upholding the standards relating to ethics, integrity, credibility, and reputation, can be achieved by practicing active mindfulness of their personal and professional decorum. 

One example of a way that I upheld standard 2 during my time as a UNBC Teacher Candidate, and during practicum my experiences, is by maintaining my professional appearance.  As an educator, it is important that one’s professional identity is held to a high standard, which I believe includes maintaining an appropriate appearance in terms of professional attire and hygiene. In order to create and uphold my professional identify as a pre-service educator, while visiting schools I always made sure to wear my UNBC Teacher Candidate nameplate. As well, I also made an active effort to plan my teaching outfits to reflect the professional presence that I wanted to express to my students, colleagues, and peers.