

My #OneWord2021 is BALANCE. 

As I come to the last semester of the Education program, a major goal I am setting for myself this year is to work on finding an appropriate balance between school and life. In order to support my students and ensure their wellbeing, I must avoid burning out and be able to prioritize my own mental health. Something that I have come to recognize is that the energy a teacher brings into their classroom can play a pivotal role in a successful learning environment. Balance is something that I have struggled with during my last two practicum experiences, but this year I will reflect on the challenges I have had and commit to trying to find my own rhythm.  I see balance as a flexible form of stability and an understanding that sometimes the scale may weigh more on one side, but it is important to avoid overloading either side.  Finding my balance will only be possible by remembering that I am not alone, and that I can lean on the support system I have through my friends, family, cohort, instructors, and colleagues. Establishing what balance means to me, and what it looks like, becomes even more important as I near the end of this chapter of my educational journey.

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